It is on this day of personal challenge and reckoning that I have decided to sit down and list some of the things I've learned in the last year. The goal of this exercise is to focus on how my life has grown, as learning can only add, not take away, from one's life. Won't you come journey with me?
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My parents insist this is not true, but how can they deny any data I find over the Internet, a medium known for its
biting accuracy? (For those of you who want details, my great, great grandfather was Wojciech Lekowicz, a pipe
cleaner from Krakow, Sweden.)
As I type this, I am listening to music streaming over the Web. How exciting! It has me eagerly looking forward to
other streaming technologies slated for the future. No, not the overzealous dreams of streaming organ transplants and
streaming time travel, but such basics as streaming exercise, streaming pets, streaming free time, and streaming lunch.
I just chalk this up to having never seen "forefathers" spelled out until last August.
While it may be snowing where you are, somewhere else it's sunny. If you were to average all this weather by
location and over time, it would be partly cloudy and rather balmy. So, really, the weather's always nice wherever
you are.
Dark chocolate chips? Milk chocolate chips? Semi-sweet chocolate chips? White chocolate chips? I could not have
properly appreciated these delights without knowing of their existence!
That's right. Big surprise, huh? Guess even omnipotent beings lose their remotes.
Actually, I knew this before this year, but since I was lucky enough to travel to so many exciting places this
year, I've come to the conclusion that I'd like travel to be an enriching part of my life from here on out.
Some interesting-sounding places I'd like to go next year: Jordan, Kosovo, Chechnya, Rwanda, and Albuquerque.
This may sound ignorant, but if you calm down for just a moment and think things through, you'll come to the same
realization I have. I mean, you can still collect the cards and toys if you want to, but at least now you'll do it as
an enlightenedand, if you play your cards right, supremely richconsumer.
Time and again, I have attempted to take this road as some kind of shortcut during rush hour, but every time
I have ended up on a road to nowhere. And do you know how expensive gas is in Nowhere?
This one is fairly self-explanatory, if obvious, but allow me to illustrate the truth of this rumination with
one question: Live community theater presents Pippin, or The Matrix in 5.1 digital surround?
Just kidding.
I can't tell you exactly why, thanks to the space such an explanation would require, but I'll give you the basics:
Roll, count, spin, strip, peel, mash, smear, wash, rinse, repeat.
If I were to believe what everyone is telling me, just about everyone around is on crack. "He's on crack!"
"She's on crack!" "What are you, on crack?" Well, I've taken a small, non-scientific poll, and, barring any
fibbing by the participants, here are my results:
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On crack: 0 |
Not on crack: 3 |
There's obviously someone living up there who doesn't want to be disturbed, and unless we wish to see shiny
metallic cylinders raining from the heavens, streaming green mist and bearing humanity's doom, we must cease
immediately! Instead, let's send exploratory probes to Alabama.